Saturday, January 14, 2012

A group of students toured the historic Montgomery Bus Station to learn more about the Freedom Riders.

For the group it was a good opportunity to learn more about the experience of the Freedom Riders and see first hand many of the things that Mr. Charles Person shared with us during his lecture on Sunday.

We crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge on our way out of Selma. Students were moved by the experience. They were asked by Ms. Joanne Bland to think about the history of the bridge as they began their trek. By the end of the bridge she wanted students to have committed to making change in their own world to create justice for all. On the bus we talked about the social justice we plan to work toward when we return to Wisconsin.

At Little Rock Central High School and the Visitors Center we learned about the Little Rock Nine and their experience integrating Little Rock Central High School.

We also learned about the Lost Year and the life of Minnijean Brown Trickey. Spirit Trickey Rowen shared about her life experience as the daughter of a tireless activist.

Trip coordinators pose at Central High School. They pose the question to trip does the resegregation of the American school system impact our society?

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