Saturday, January 7, 2012

Journal 1 - Atlanta

Atlanta, GA 12:17AM Pretty Sleepy

So far it was a really fun trip, I really love it. The Civil Right group left from Eau Claire, Wisconsin yesterday around 4 pm and had the ice breaking activity to know each other more. When I told my partner that I have eaten gater’s tail in Thailand, She was freaked out.
I went to CNN Studio tour this morning, and I was impressed about the resort-styled headquarter of CNN. There was a very long escalator from the ground floor to 7th floor. I learnt that there was actually cheating screen in the studio room and the news reporter was also funny behind the screen. I think the CNN Office was similar to Google Headquarter in Silicon Valley, they both have lots of computer working stations, but Google’s one has free drinks and food in every office. After that I went to Underground Mall, they were 99% African-Americans, I think it was like China Town. I headed back to Coca-Cola Museum after the mall. I didn’t go into the museum because lacking of time, so I decided to go to the gift shop. Afterwards, we went to Morris Brown College for a speech. The speaker, Charles Pearson, talked about the buses issues and what had happened with KKK gang. It was interesting to know more about the civil right issue and he also distributed some sort of book covers which made me impressed.

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