Monday, January 10, 2011

Fun trip—Atlanta! Birmingham!

If we are wrong, the Supreme Court is wrong. If we are wrong, constitution is wrong. If we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong.
                                                                          ---Martin Luther King Jr.
It’s third day of civil rights trip with hailstone. We went to Ebenezer Baptist Church at first. It’s very attracting to me because this is my first time to attend to be at church. Some black men were singing a song, when we got there. The song was easy to calm people down to think of nature of one’s life. During it, we were told to hold other persons’ hands and swing bodies following the music. I love this participation, because I feel I was staying inside the black’s world and feeling their feelings. Now I know why go to church is a method to organize their movements. It is a better way to learn and understand their culture and history. However, it’s a pity that I can’t have a talk with one of them about their movements.  
In Martin Luther King Historic Site, I watched a record of his speech and his funeral. He emphasized that “Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made of the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.” I think that’s why he advocated nonviolent struggles every time. Being alive is more important than stupid death. In his funeral, thousands of blacks attended crying with deep sorrow. They lost a good leader and a familiar friend.
The last place we visited is Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. My friends and I took a photo and shared our stories inside! I’m interested in Freedom Rides taking place on May 4, 1961. In second week the riders were severely beaten; in Birmingham several dozen whites attacked the riders only two blocks from the sheriff’s office. The whites were so angry of these seven blacks and six whites, and the police didn’t take any useful actions to stop it at that time. It shocked me a lot.
Hope everyone judge another person because of his character not his color, family background, education and so on!

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