Sunday, April 6, 2008

Civil Rights today

The part of this Civil Rights expedition actually didn't happen on the trip, but it couldn't have happened without it.

The week after we got back, I ended up hearing of the death of a relative of a friend (I'm respecting their anonymity) and had to travel to the funeral that weekend. At the funeral were five speakers, and only 2 of them were family.

These speakers told stories of how this man's efforts fighting for humanitarian efforts enriched their lives and gave them purpose. He had been protesting and fighting even up to his last weeks. He encouraged others to do so and to fight for their own rights. What was amazing is that every speaker talked about how he valued them and what he had done in their lives and many others.

I ended up crying and had only met this man twice. It proves that anyone can make a difference, anyone can start a revolution, and everyone should fight for what they believe in.

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