Monday, January 11, 2010

Rosa Parks

What a woman! The museum today was phenominal, especially the video projection of the actual arrest of Rosa on the bus. It was just long enough and our tour guide was SO knowledgable and enthusiastic. 'The mother of the Civil Rights movement' had a lot at stake by standing up (by sitting down) for what was right. But it was her calmness and courage that let her perservere through this struggle. It's amazing that the world can be turned upside down by an act so subtle and peaceful yet so strong. The more we study events like the bus boycott and MLK's system of peaceful protest, the more I'm convinced that we as a world need to look to different options of igniting change other than bloody violence. I mean, the world's not going to be getting together in a round to sing "kumbaya" anytime soon, but fighting with wit and patience seems so much more obvious to me than with weapons.

With great role models such as Rosa, MLK, and all others we're learning about each day, my peers and I are now armed with the spirit of activism and a knowledge of how to fight for what you want using hard work and intelligence.

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