Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting ready

Hello everyone!

I'm Sarah Tweedale and one of the Pilgrimage interns for the winter and spring trip. The winter pilgrimage will be my first time on the trip, as well as my first experience in the southern part of the United States.

Hearing about previous experiences of students who've gone on the trip and watching the video that was created from one of last year's pilgrimages is really what has made me excited for this winter's pilgrimage. The video especially has had more of an emotional impact on me than I thought it would. I'm just beginning to realize that I've been so sheltered for my whole life, and it wasn't until last summer that I'd really had any exposure at all to any sort of adversity brought on by racial background and many accompanying stereotypes that I'd basically been shielded from throughout my entire childhood, in a medium-sized town in southeastern Wisconsin that had basically a completely homogenous population: all people that looked and thought like me.

I'm beginning to change now and am looking forward to continuing my transformation as I learn and experience more about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States!

Check out the video I've been watching over and over from last year's trip on the right side of the webpage at

I'm looking forward to traveling with all of you!


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to go on this trip as well. I am so fortunate to get this opportunity and I can't wait to go!

    We are going to see and experience so many valuable and memorable people, places and historical locations.

    YAY for the Civil Rights Pilgrimage :) !!
